dissabte, 10 de desembre del 2011

Exhibition of Russian Ballet and biography of Diaghilev

On 30th November we went to the CaixaForum in Barcelona to see an exhibition called "The Russian Ballet of Diaghilev". The exhibition had many works and many pictures of the dancers and the costumes that they used. What I like most and caught my attention were the clothes that were exposed there and their descriptions.
Serguéi Pávlovich Diaghilev was born on 31st March, 1872 in Sélischi, Russia. He was a russian businessman and a founder of the Russian Ballet, a company of which came many famous dancers and choreographers. He was born into a wealthy family and he studied law at university. When he was a child, he lived in the city of Perm, where his father worked. Today, in a house where he lived with his family, there is a school with his name.
In 1905, he organized an exhibition of russian portraits in St. Petersburg. He also commissioned ballet music by composers like Claude Debusy, Richard Strauss or Manuel de Falla, with the "Three Cornered Hat". Diaghilev worked in connection with the artistic director of the Russian Ballet, Leon Bakst. Maybe the most important composer who colaborated with Diaghilev was Igor Stavinsky. Diaghilev produced "The Sleeping Beauty" in London, in 1921. It had a good reception by the public, but it was not a financial success.
Diaghilev was openly homosexual. He had relationships with several men, but the best known was with Vaslav Nijinski. He died at the Grand Hotel des Bains de Mer of Venice, in 1929. Three weeks later, his brother was excecuted in the first Soviet concentration camp.

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